Well September didn't really go to plan, as soon as I was setup for trading, new setup, some holiday booked I was looking forward to trading the whole month and seeing if I could cope in the betfair markets.
Unfortunately work came back to bite me in the arse because some colleagues decided to call in sick for a good few weeks at the same time.
Tonight I got home slightly early and over the past few days I have been trying new things in my strategy.
I have been looking for the small swings and making sure I have a good position in the money que.
Today I have used stakes of £7 upto odds of 5 and £4 stakes above and strangely it seems to rack up my profits very well! - (Not that I am complaining ;) )
I think my profits from today maybe due to 30 minutes between the later races and I have been steadily trading throughout the time.
Over 10 markets I racked up a small profit of £2.91.
I am working through to thursday at least and depending on whether someone comes back from sick leave I may well buy bet angel for another month and spend a lot more time trading.
September was basically a write off for me in terms of trading, finishing with a large chunk of my bank gone but im hoping that I can try and trade 30 days straight at some point and really give it a bash.
Through the very few races I traded there was a good amount learned and for the last couple of days I have started to see nice profits, a few over £1.50 using stakes up to £10 and the odd £30 to see how I handle them! - Not too bad in general.
The last couple of days I have also managed to cut my losses and work with my profits, maybe just a fluke but only time and a trades will tell!
I will keep the blog updated when I come back to trade for a good few weeks in a row and think I may give myself a new bank amount of £100 this time and give myself a few targets - nothing too drastic - maybe £20 a week to start with.. open to any suggestions!
Until then good afternoon, good evening and good night!